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      Have you ever thought about sharing your knowledge with the world? Now you can do that with live streaming for education and E-Learning and you are no longer restricted by physical limitations of single classroom in a specific location. With that, students can watch the experts in their field as they solve problems in real time.
      Learning from live streams is indeed a completely different experience compared to traditional classes as it the dull environment may not allow the students to focus. You are also able to import media format like photos, videos and more to the live stream. With Nagasoft, you can add in clips to the live stream to enhance the learning, record and edit the live stream and then replay at your own convenience.
      Many educational institutions are using live streaming solution to stream school related events like graduations, sports matches, announcements and more. School administrators can also stream school events for parents and others who are unable to attend to experience the live events. Teachers can stream any activity or lesson from the classroom and enable more participants to learn. Live streaming allows close-up demonstrations in experiments and more connections with live questions in real time.
      The best part about Nagasoft is that it is user-friendly and it does not require any technical know-how to employ the device! So don’t fall behind the curve and get stuck in the old ways of teaching. You can even create live production with the virtual studio system and make education more accessible, significant and effective at your students’ fingertips.
Nagasoft Case Example
[Education] Nanjing Finance and Econimics School
      With the development of requirements, recording and broadcasting classroom of Nanjing Finance and Econimics School which constructed by Nanjing Nagasoft Corporation has been offically opened. The recording and broadcasting classroom is based on school’s real condition, combining with the most updated teaching concept, help school use the lowest cost to realize maximum utilization of resouces, in order to enhance the teaching quality and achieve high quality teaching.